If you live in a city, town or suburb, Moles will rarely be a problem in your lawn.
However, if you live out in the country, they can be your lawns worst enemy. You’ll rarely see them but you’ll know they’re present when you see hills of soil which they produce as they dig in search for food.
And here’s the kicker;
Trying to figure out how to get rid of moles isn’t easy.
In this article, we’ll discuss a few ways of removing them, methods of prevention and how to combine them to end your Mole problem once and for all.
What Are Moles And Why Are They in Your Lawn?
Moles are carnivorous mammals that live underground, you’ll rarely see them above ground. As a result, many gardeners know very little about them. So before deciding what action you need to take, it helps to know a little bit about them first;
Typically between 13cm – 16cm long, Moles have short, black/brown, velvety fur and spade-like front feet which they use for digging.
They have long noses and have a very acute sense of smell. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not blind. They can see, although their eyes are tiny and their sight is poor.
Moles live for an average of 2-3 years but can live as long as 6.
Worms are a major part of a Moles diet and they can eat up to 60% of their body weight in worms every day. They also feed on other invertebrates like Chafer Grubs and Leatherjackets which are harmful to grass and other plants.
If your lawn has a rich population of Earth Worms, Chafer Grubs and Leatherjackets you might find that a Mole, or Moles are inhabiting your lawn.
They dig tunnels in search for food and because worms are such a big part of their diet, they dig chambers to store them in.
In terms of tunnels, Moles dig two types;
- Permanent tunnel systems that are used for breeding and feeding – these can be extensive, deep and be hundreds of meters in length. They can be used by several generations.
- Temporary tunnels – these are found closer to the surface by moles when looking for food or by males when looking for a mate.
But what happens to the excavated soil when a Mole is digging?
It gets tossed onto the surface of your lawn, creating a molehill.
That said, Moles are solitary and territorial animals so any disturbance in your lawn (unless you have a very large lawn) is likely caused by one animal.
The only time they’re not solitary is during their mating season through Spring. Males will extend their tunnel systems in search of females who give birth to 3 or 4 pups. These youngsters will stay with mum for five to six weeks before venturing off on their own.
Methods For Getting Rid of Moles in Your Lawn
Now that we know what Moles are and how they live, you’ll probably want to know how to get rid of moles from your lawn.
The honest truth is that it’s not easy to get rid of moles. There are TONS of articles on the internet that tell you how to get rid of Moles. Some methods include trapping, poisoning, smoking them out, using home remedies, the use of Castor oil – the list goes on.
Many rarely work, some work in some situations but not so well in others, and some are complete nonsense.
What many of these articles fail to highlight though, is that even if you get rid of a mole, they leave behind a pre-built tunnel system in place for a new Mole to occupy. This means you could be faced with a long-term, real-life game of Whac-a-Mole with no easy fix.
So how do you get rid of Moles?
Here are three ways that have worked for me. I have had success using them individually and if not individually, combined;
Use Mole Traps
I personally think Moles are very cute and I don’t particularly like to trap or kill them. That said, sometimes needs must.
If you do go down the route of trapping or killing Moles, please, please, please invest in decent quality traps. This is for two reasons;
- Moles can sometimes escape from cheap, crappy traps. They’re not stupid and will learn to become trap shy. Catching them will become much more difficult.
- Poor quality traps have weak springs which can cause needless injury and suffering. Good quality traps are built to kill the Mole instantly.
The traps I use and recommend are tunnel traps. You can buy a set of 3 from Amazon for around £25.
They’re made by a gentleman named Chris Boone, a Mole Catcher based in Yorkshire. His traps are used all over the world because they’re simple to use, easy to set, and they work well in deep or shallow tunnels. He also provides video instructions on how to use them.
- Ideal for very shallow or very deep runs
- Highly rated as the most effective mole trap on the market
Many people complain that Mole traps don’t work but remember, they have an excellent sense of smell. If you don’t take steps to cover your scent they easily smell you all over the traps and so will avoid them.
I always have a couple of traps covered in soil in the shed and I use gloves when I set them. This keeps my scent off them.
Doing this will dramatically increase your success rate.
You can also buy what is dubbed as ‘humane traps’ like these ones which don’t kill the mole, rather they trap it until you come along and set it free somewhere else.
The problem with these traps is that more often than not, Moles fill them full of soil and set them off. You catch nothing but mud!
And if on the rare occasion you do trap a Mole, they often die anyway. The cause being starvation or stress, or a combination of both.
Use Noise and Vibration
Moles like to get on with their lives quietly, they don’t like noise or vibrations.
I have seen Moles driven away to pastures new when the lawn owner cut their grass more frequently. The noise and vibration of the lawnmower, especially ride on mowers can cause the Moles to move out.
The problem though is that it needs to be done very regularly for it to make a noticeable difference.
Another alternative is to buy and install solar mole deterrents or chasers.
I’m must admit I’m not a fan of these and they are not always effective. However, if you want to try a humane solution you should give them a go.
- ☑ EFFECTIVE: Drives moles and other burrowing rodents away from vulnerable lawn areas, seedbeds,...
- ☑ CONTINUOUS: Discharge of mega-sonic pulse every 30 seconds ensures effective protection against...
- ☑ RECHARGEABLE: Solar power pack and rechargeable (1.5v) battery for continuous and reliable...
- ☑ WEATHER-RESISTANT: IP44 rated for years of reliable operation in all weathers
They come with a pole that emits very low-frequency vibrations that mimic a digging predator or a competing mole.
Because moles;
- Are solitary animals, and
- Don’t want to become prey
The theory is that they will move to another area.
The Mega-Sonic Solar Powered Mole Repeller is a pole, that can cover an area of around 30 square meters, so you can move them around to essentially usher the mole out of your garden. You may need a couple or the larger model to cover your lawn area.
But here’s the problem…
You might spend your time chasing one mole out of your garden. But if you’re not careful this could leave an open tunnel network for another mole to come in right behind the last one.
I have had success using this kind of Mole deterrent as have many other people. At the same time, many people complain that it doesn’t work.
So what should you do?
You need to prevent other moles from coming in and taking the place of the last one. And we’ll get onto that later.
Call in the Experts
If you’ve tried trapping, deterrents, smoking and any other of the hundreds of methods talked about online and none have worked, it might be time to call in a Professional Mole Catcher.
A professional trapper will have equipment, skills and experience that you don’t have. As a result, their success rate is likely much higher than yours and they can also offer advice on how to prevent them in the first place.
If you’re in need of a Professional Mole Catcher, visit BritishMoleCatchers.co.uk to find one in your area.
How to RELIABLY Prevent Moles From Ruining Your Lawn
You’ll probably gather by now that stopping Moles from ruining your lawn garden involves a combination of both cure AND prevention.
We’ve covered how to get rid of moles so now let’s discuss how to prevent other Moles from taking their places. Or how to prevent them in the first place.
Here are two of the most reliable ways of preventing Moles from ruining your lawn, or any other part of your garden. The issue s that they can be expensive and/or need planning.
If you’re doing some landscaping work in your garden anyway, it’s worth putting these measures in place.
Create a Mole Barrier Around Your Garden and Stop Them Getting In
You can create a barrier around the whole garden or just the areas of your garden you want to protect.
To create a barrier around the area you want to protect, dig around it to a depth of around 3ft and 6-10 inches wide. Then fill it with hardcore, small rubble, stone or gravel. Pack it down so it’s in there firmly.
Moles can’t dig through hard surfaces like this and if they come up against it, they’ll change direction.
Another, cheaper way to do it would be to buy some good quality Mole Mesh and lay it vertically in the trench (you might need to stake it in place). It’s tough and Moles can’t get through it. Then, just replace the soil.
- Width: 2 m, high temperature resistance (-40 °/+ 80 °C), plant-safe
- Length: 25 m (Max. 200 continuous metres in one piece), UV-resistant, weather resistant
- Fabric weight: approx. 60 g/m² approximately 30 years use time (rot)
- 100% Polypropylene, plant-safe
Lay Mole Mesh Under Your Lawn to Prevent them Breaking the Surface
Not something you can do retrospectively, but if you’re replacing your lawn with turf, lay some strong mole mesh while you’re preparing the ground.
Lay it 2-3 inches under the surface of the turf so you don’t catch it when you scarify or aerate your lawn in the future.
On its own, this won’t stop moles from digging underneath your garden but it will stop them from breaking the surface and creating molehills everywhere.
- Width: 2 m, high temperature resistance (-40 °/+ 80 °C), plant-safe
- Length: 25 m (Max. 200 continuous metres in one piece), UV-resistant, weather resistant
- Fabric weight: approx. 60 g/m² approximately 30 years use time (rot)
- 100% Polypropylene, plant-safe
How to Get Rid of Moles Forever: A Very Simple, 2-Step Solution
By this point, you’ll know that getting rid of Moles can be a headache. Just when you thought you got rid of one pest, another has come and taken its place.
So how do you get rid of them, stop the next one and end the problem once and for all?
And how do you do it quickly?
This is how I do it.
Step 1: Start With Prevention
If you’ve got a mole in your lawn, start with taking preventative measures.
It sounds backwards but remember, a new Mole will quickly occupy an abandoned tunnel system. By putting preventative measures in place first you’ll prevent this from happening when you get rid of your current tenant.
So, create a barrier around your garden, or at least the areas you want to protect. Use the method I talked about above.
Step 2: Trap the Mole
Once you’ve got the area protected from the next intruders, you can concentrate on the Mole in your garden.
The quickest way to get rid of your current resident is to trap it using the Duffus Mole Traps we talked about earlier.
These traps will kill the Mole but they’re reliable. If you’re not happy about killing it, try using the Humane Mole Trap Tunnel. But like I said earlier, you’ll most like catch the soil that the Mole digs through, not the Mole.
If you want to solve this problem quickly, use the Duffus traps, or hire an expert mole catcher.
Wrapping Up
When it comes to removing Moles from your lawn or garden, many people struggle, get frustrated and settle for a bumpy lawn covered in hills of soil.
When you know how to get rid moles from your garden and also how to keep them out for good, you’ll never have to worry about them again.
I hope this article has helped you and I’d love to hear your thoughts, questions and stories in the comments.
And if you know someone who’s garden suffers as a result of Moles, please share it with them.
It amazes me that anyone would care if a mole dies. What is wrong with this world? We don’t care if thieves take over our cities and put humans in danger, but we worry that some pests might die. People worry more about their dogs than their children.